Epsom salts have been around for a long time but people and gardeners are not aware that epsom salts can be used to promote the growth of daylilies. Here are some of the most important things that you definitely need to know about the epsom salts and their benefits for plants like daylilies.
What Are Epsom Salts?
Epsom Salts in Gardening
Like what has been previously stated, epsom salts are known to be very helpful when it comes to gardening. First of all, you can primarily use epsom salts as fertilisers for your daylilies in Australia and around the world. Some of the best plants that can truly benefit from the epsom salts are the daylilies.
Epsom Salts as Fertiliser
Daylilies actually need sulfur and even magnesium for them to be able to maintain the best health possible. Epsom salts are also known to be very helpful in assisting the daylilies to acquire nutrients which are very essential for their food. You can use these salts as fertiliser by sprinkling or spraying ample amount of these salts directly to promote your daylilies growth. You can use these for different types of plants, from flowers and even vegetables.

Epsom Salts as Insecticide
The epsom salts also have the natural ability to protect your daylilies from different kinds of pests and insects. This makes such minerals as effective insecticides. You can do this, again by sprinkling appropriate amounts of the epsom salts to the plants. If you want, you can also dissolve the salts in a smaller amount of warmer water to dissolve, then adding the epsom salts mixture to a sprayer to spray your daylilies with. You have to make sure that you will have an appropriate concentration of your insecticide mixture to achieve best results for daylily plants, you need to use the epsom salts twice a year to prevent pests on daylilies such as aphids, spider mites, thrips, snails and slugs, to deter them from your daylilies, the best times to spray your daylilies in Australia are before spring arrives and before autumn which is around September and March here in Australia.
Epsom Salts for Leaf Nourishment
The epsom salts can also be used to keep your daylilies, especially their leaves, in their rich green color. This means that epsom salts can trulykeep your daylilies healthy. The combination of Magnesium and Sulphate can be very helpful in preventing the leaves from any kind of discoloration that will make them unhealthy. Magnesium is a very essential substance in chlorophyll which is mainly responsible for the green pigmentation of your daylilies. You can effectively use the epsom salts by preparing two dessertspoon slightly heaped of the epsom salts to one gallon of water. You can spray this mixture right onto the daylilies and even your lawn so that you can keep all the greens entirely healthy.
Gone are the days when you have to rely on dangerous chemical substances just to be able to keep your plants, especially your daylilies, healthy. By simply using the combination of Magnesium and Sulphate, you will definitely be able to maintain your daylilies properly and effectively.
Source: http://www.dayliliesinaustralia.com.au